Pre-trial dispute resolution

In today's society, car owners face many legal issues related to their vehicles. We provide a variety of out-of-court dispute resolution services, helping clients avoid lengthy and costly litigation.

Pre-trial dispute resolution

Representation of interests in returning vehicles from impounded parking lots

We provide a wide range of services to recover your vehicle from the impound lot. Our services include: consultations on the return of vehicles, collection of the necessary initial documents for the redemption of the car, the implementation of actions to withdraw the vehicle from the impound lot, as well as - the return of the vehicle in the judicial process, including challenging the actions or verdicts that led to the placement of the vehicle in the impound lot.

Assistance in case of unreasonable claims from other participants of the road traffic accident

We guarantee the protection of your rights in case you are unfairly accused by other parties involved in a traffic accident. Our activities include counseling, gathering evidence and representing your interests during negotiations.

Settlement of minor road accidents

For minor accident cases that do not require the call of the patrol police, we will be able to help you with all the issues involved in resolving the situation: • Advice on required documents; • Assistance in out-of-court settlement of conflicts with other parties involved in the accident.

LiTRO Auto Lawyer is your reliable companion in solving any legal issues that are related to cars. We strive to provide each client with professional assistance to quickly resolve problems without additional time and money.