Supply of technical fluids

An important aspect of vehicle operation is the use of technical fluids. Their untimely replacement or too low level can lead to difficulties with driving up to the accident or failure of individual components. Often there is a situation when the need to replenish the fluid is required on the road, and there is no stock with you. In this case, emergency delivery can help. Our roadside assistance service team offers a service of delivery of technical fluids to restore safe operation of your car. You can order delivery of engine oil, antifreeze, brake fluid, windshield washer. Payment for the cost of technical fluid is made according to the amount of the fiscal check.

Supply of technical fluids

Antifreeze delivery

Antifreeze provides effective cooling of the car engine, preventing overheating of its components and parts. For trouble-free operation it is important that the level of coolant in the expansion tank does not fall below the minimum mark. Therefore, if the radiator “boiled” on the road, stop immediately, waiting for the system to cool down. Also check the antifreeze level. If it is too low, inspect the engine and the asphalt under it - there is a possibility that the liquid is leaking, dripping on the asphalt. Most often this happens at the junctions of hoses and tubes, but it is possible that the gasket has been punctured. The level can also drop due to natural evaporation, which is why you need to check it regularly. Unlike water, antifreeze freezes only in very hard frosts. This prevents the car's cooling system from freezing in winter. Modern cars are designed to work only with antifreeze. Filling with water is not recommended. LiTRO roadside assistance service is always ready to promptly deliver and refill your cooling system with high quality antifreeze in emergency situations.

Brake fluid delivery

The safety of not only your car, but also other road users depends on the efficient operation of brakes. Our masters will promptly deliver the right type of brake fluid, fill it up and pump the brakes, making sure that the braking system works successfully.

Engine oil delivery

Low oil level leads to increased production in friction units, and local heating is also increased. The situation is fraught with the fact that the engine will have to be overhauled or replaced with a new one. Do not try to drive home or pour the first oil you come across - you will only make things worse. Call LiTRO, order the service of bringing technical liquids, the master himself will refill it to the required level. Your car will not suffer, and you will continue driving.

Windshield washer fluid delivery

A transparent windshield is a guarantee of safety. It is best if there is a canister of washer fluid in the trunk for refilling. But, if you don't, and the normal view is hindered by dirt, wind with sand or other factors, our roadside assistance service LiTRO will bring the liquid for glass washer in the shortest possible time, providing your safety and comfort in the trip. If the lack of technical fluids has led to a difficult situation, call the professionals. LiTRO roadside assistance service will provide you with everything you need quickly, properly and with a guarantee.

How to choose a windshield washer fluid?

We provide service of technical liquids supply in the whole territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan